We are a boutique provider of health and life science-related data analytics solutions

Our diverse client base ranges from biotechnology start-ups to pharmaceutical manufacturers and clinicians.


Agile health data science

Our firm is small and agile, working with a highly skilled and diverse team. We provide our clients expert-level services while remaining flexible to meet their needs.

Forward-thinking solutions

Our clients are innovators meaning that established approaches often don’t meet their needs. We constantly draw from new skillsets and perspectives to make the most of their data.

Meaningful client relationships

Central to everything we do is building lasting, meaningful relationships with our clients as we help them reach their scientific and business goals.

Women-owned & founded
Headquartered in Montreal, Canada


Kathryn Morrison

Managing partner

Dr. Kathryn Morrison is an accredited statistician with over twenty peer-reviewed publications in journals such as Statistics in Medicine and The Lancet. She has led the development of novel applications of multivariate latent process models of clinical outcomes which have been used by the CDC in British Columbia.

Her favourite thing about being a statistician is, as the famous statistician John Tukey said, you get to play in everyone’s backyard: she enjoys consulting across disciplines from genomics to clinical research. Kathryn oversees a team of data scientists and software developers and leads development of statistical technology at the company. Outside of her professional duties, Kathryn also organizes R Ladies Montreal events.

Erika Braithwaite

Managing partner

Dr. Erika Braithwaite is an accomplished epidemiologist and researcher whose work has focused on social determinants of health and vulnerable populations such as people who are homeless or incarcerated. Also a keen methodologist, Dr. Braithwaite’s experience spans randomized controlled trials and causal inference.

Since 2017, Erika has led the company’s fundraising and business development efforts, and been recognized by organizations such as Montreal Fondation Inc, Entreprendre Ici and SheEO. Erika is passionate about inspiring women to pursue technology-related careers.

Hugo Barnaby

VP, Software Development

Hugo is a software developer with a passion for robust and well-designed software that empowers end users. After graduating from McGill University, Hugo worked with webcasting and transcription software solutions for governments and sitting bodies, as well as within the gaming industry.

Since joining Precision Analytics in 2019, Hugo has worn many hats: system administrator, database administrator, software developer, software architect, and team leader. Combining his technical expertise with a passion for the industry, Hugo is constantly researching and evaluating pertinent technologies to ensure that the comapany’s software operations are aligned with, and supporting the evolution of, its vision.

Senior Team